Demam World Cup 2006
Phew.. it’s been quite some time since I last wrote an entry in this blog of mine.. one, becoz i’m pretty bz these days with my studies and work etc etc.. 2nd there haven’t been much happening things going on lately.. so most of the times if I’ve nothing to do, I’d rather be at home watching the tivo.. tambah2 lagi dgn demam World Cup 2006, pastu ada bahana AF pulak.. and the latest reality talent show, One In A Million..

Nway, my early prediction this year is that Argentina will take it all and Brazil will settle for 2nd place.. (or probably it will go either way).. but surprisingly, both teams failed to advance to the semis.. how weird is that..?? i mean, two great teams who everyone think will lift the cup have now gone home.. the Argentines lost to the host Germany who have been consistent thus far, while Brazil lost to France, who out of a sudden tiba2 bangkit starting from the 2nd round where they beat the Spaniards.. padahal in the group matches, they barely made an impression.. kalah ngan Swiss plak tu for Group G top placing.. who would've thought France who played badly in the earlier stage would march through to the semis.. same goes with Italy.. they haven't been impressive in the 1st round and barely made it to the quarter when they only menang tipis dgn Australia 1-0.. many thought that they don't deserve the win over the Ozzies.. i think so too.. it's a shame though coz the Italians are such great contenders and have won the cup for an impressiive 3 times.. they won against Ukraine in the quarter and will face the host in the semis.. so they better buck up, step up to the plate and prove they deserve the spot.. and this is meant to France as well.. if not, i don't think they deserve the Cup coz they played poorly earlier on..
Anyway, I was hoping my other favourite Holland to at least bag the 3rd placing.. but unfortunately they lost to Portugal in the 2nd round.. too bad for them coz I think they have a tight team this year.. they gave a very great match with Ivory Coast which I think is one of the best match in the 1st round.. and also their encounter with Argentina.. but oh well, anything can happen in a football match.. and interestingly, England once again lost on a penaltu shoot out.. this time against Portugal.. for me, i've expected the outcome.. that they would loose, but not on a penalty shoot out though.. never in a million years would i thought they would loose that way again.. England ni, on the paper, yes, they do look like the team to watch out for.. they have really great players in Rooney, Beckham, Gerrard, Lampard etc, but on the field, they didn’t offer as much.. perhaps its true that England is all hype and style but no substance.. apa2 pun, pagi ni the semis will start.. i'll predict that Germany will face Portugal and the latter will take it all.. what an anti-climax it would be huh..??!! haha.. anyway, we just have to wait and see la ye.. nak komen lebih2, aku bukannya expert pun.. so kita layaaannn je lah ek..??