My Hari Raya..!!
Haha..!!! Well yeah, this is my Hari Raya.. spent with my aunty's snake.. dgn pakai baju melayu lagi.. hehe.. this is actually on the 2nd day of raya.. i don't normally take pictures during hari raya, and apparently these are the only ones i took.. so i'll leave u guys with this pic lah..!! hehe..
So how was raya for u guys..?? For me, ok la raya this year.. but a bit short.. 1st day raya of was spent at my hometown of my dad's side in Teluk Kumbar, Penang.. yup, Mila tu org kampung saya.. hehe.. tp sedih x dpt gi open house dia.. coz 2nd day of raya the whole family went back to my mum's kampung pulak kat Alor Star, Kedah.. balik hari je, mlm balik penang semula.. 3rd day of raya, sambung raya kat Teluk Kumbar, 4th day of raya dah balik KL semula.. 5th day of raya dah start keje balik.. huhu.. so that's my raya.. a very simple one..!