Pose jap. ahaha.
It was my 1st time playing paintball. And i would have to say, best gile!!! mmng gile2 pny best lah.. mekacih to Asrol for inviting me to play.. kitorg main dkt an extreme sports centre near Stadium Shah Alam.. lupa plak apa nama sports centre tu, ermm wait.. i actually didn't know what the name of the place was.. haha.. tapi x kesahlah, all i know is that it was fun, fun, fun !! But damn, it was very tiring too..!! gotta make sure i got lotsa stamina for the next game!! =) Sebelum story mory lg lanjut, these are the things yg kita guna utk main paintball..

And then ada kitorg nye pelindung badan, x ingat plak nk ambik gambar tu.. for each game, there's a marshall yg akan conduct the game, give orders, etc. This is our marshall, the guy in red briefing us the rules of the game.
The game is simple, 10 of us were divided into 2 groups of 5. The aim setiap pasukan ialah utk mendptkan flag yg berada di tgh2 gelanggang or medan perang whatever u call it. So drp port masing2, player akan bergerak ke tgh utk dptkan flag tuh. So menyoroklah or menembaklah sebanyak mana yg mungkin asalkan dpt ambik the flag without being shot. Peraturannya, kalau dah kena tembak, you have to go back to your team's port & gerak semula dr situ.
So after the briefing, kitorg pun get prepped up.. pakai mask, shield baju.. uishh.. masa ni excited gile.. almaklumlah, festaim kan.. then bergerak la kami ke gelanggang & bersiap sedia utk berperang.. kwsn dia mcm hutan, ada pokok, and then dia berbukit2.. pastu ada tong2 drum as the bunkers..
So bermulalah pelbagai aksi2 menarik dlm medan peperangan tu.. we played for like 1 hour plus la jugak.. dlm 6-7 round.. these are some of the pixies yg sempat dirakamkan oleh camera girl aku, Deida.. mekacih ye ambik gmbr2 nih.. head over to her blog, kat sana pun ada gambar2 and cerita2.. http://sengih.blogspot.com.
At the end of the game, we're down 2 to 3.. Tak kisahlah kalah pun.. yg penting, aku berjaya mendapatkan 1 mata utk team aku.. hehe.. Patutnya, aku boleh dptkan another point.. dah smpai kat dpn flag dah.. and since flag tu terpacak kat atas bukit, aku plak x pakai spec masa main tu, aku pun menggagau2 la nk ambik flag tuh.. sekali kena tembak..!! ampess je.. kalau tak dah seri dah.. huhu..
By end of the game, aku mmng gile2 penat dah.. terduduk aku x larat nk bangun.. but seriously, game ni sgtla memenatkan.. next time aku nk main lagi, gotta make sure i hv enuff energy & stamina.. ehehe.

Owh.. it was a great experience. Mmng best gile. Pasni for sure aku akan main lagi. Ciow. =)