Movie Preview: Maut

1stly thanks so much to Bro Ajami for the invite.. and sorry for the late review.. have been pretty bz sgt skang nih.. anyway, this movie preview was held on the 6th/Jan, 8.30 pm at GSC MidValley.. Registration & dinner starts at 6.30 at Amarin Thai Restaurant.. most of the movie previews were held waktu siang time office hours, so bnyk kali Bro Ajami's invitation i had to forgo.. nasib baik this time buat malam, so boleh la pegi.. dah bnyk kali dah tolak his invite.. Sorry bro!
Ok now, back on to the movie.. Well, it's very difficult for me to rate it coz there are 3 different stories in this film.. and all of them are not connected to one another like Sepi or Cinta.. it's just that all 3 stories are about death or near-death experience.. and the stories are not equally entertaining.. so i just have to rate the 3 stories separately..
The 1st one is about Lina (Liyana Jasmay) yg terjumpa this one girl - Fadilah (Nureminadiya) kat dlm bas one night.. diorg berdua je dlm bas tu apart from the bust driver.. later that nite, tetibe si Fadilah ni dtg rumah Lina mintak tolong katanya kena ragut.. so dia tumpang tido kat situ then esok paginya hilang.. the mystery starts there bila Lina cuba nk jejaki pompuan ni after kehilangan Fadilah dilaporkan kat TV.. fast forward, at the end terjumpalah mayat si Fadilah ni yg sebenarnya dah mati kena rogol pemandu bas tu kot.. it was just her soul trying to get Lina's help to find her body..
My say: This is not a good opening for the movie. It was very slow paced & castingnya tak bagi impact yg kuat esp. Liyana.. the ending was very predictable. Nothing much to say about the story. (1 1/2 stars)
The 2nd story is about a stewardess - Farah dilakonkan oleh pelakon baru - Sabrina Hassan yg kawen dgn mat salleh - Mohamad Bathich (Duke).. Lepas kawen, lifestyle diorg suami isteri mmng western abis la.. one day, Sabrina ni caught her husband tgh make out ngan pompuan lain.. dia bengang gile, terus drove off gi mana ntah.. in the car, tetibe keluar azan subuh, and ntah mcm mana leh terdetik rasa insaf.. the next scene tunjuk dia dah siap bertelekung (mana dia dpt ntah) nk gi masjid.. on her way to the mosque, tetibe dia pengsan / koma & ditolong oleh Umie (Diana Danielle) yg bwh dia ke spital.. during her coma tu, dia dpt mimpi seolah2 mcm diseksa kat api neraka.. she woke up and tells her story to Umie which in the end, menginsafkan kedua2 mereka..
My say: Cite paling cliched antara ketiga2 stories nih.. standard drama swasta je.. tapi it's worth to watch la sbb xde la boring cam the 1st story.. CGI yg diguna utk scene mcm dlm api neraka tu mmng gempak gile.. and lakonan Sabrina pun not bad.. ada bakat & boleh diasah lagi.. cuma suara dia je la aku x suka.. a bit screechy.. Anway, this story reminds me of drama Tetamu Allah.. pelakon lelaki pun sama.. owh wait, Tetamu Allah was directed by Erma, the wife of Bade' who directed Maut.. huhu.. (2 stars)
The 3rd stroy revovles around a group of black metal friends - Nana, Sherry Ibrahmim, Awal Ashaari (tak ingat nama character diorg) & Que Haidar as JJ, the group leader.. JJ nih mmng dah sesat la sbb taksub ngan black metal, siap dgn tattoo bagai, x percaya dgn agama Islam.. One day, the 4 of them were involved in an accident.. and JJ died.. masa nak kebumikan mayat JJ, bnyk la halangan dia mcm tayar van yg nk bawak jenazah ke kubur tu pancit, pastu masa nk tanam tu hujan plak & susah nk gali sbb air penuh.. pastu dah tanam, esoknya tanah tu mcm mendap ke ape ntah kena tanam semula & pokok2 yg tanam atas kubur tu pun mati.. and that's the end of the story..
My say: Cite ni pun agak cliched.. kat TV pun dah bnyk cite2 pasal bumi tak nak terima mayat jenazah yg mati dlm keadaan sesat.. tp yg menyelamatkan cite ke3 ni ialah lakonan Que yg superb gile.. and storyline dia pun xde la boring, watchable la kiranya.. lakonan Eja as the sister of JJ also strengthens the storyline.. (2 1/2 stars)
Overallnya, aku bagi cite ni dlm 2 to 2 1/2 stars je. Becoz all of the stories are very predictable.. but the casting yg melibatkan ramai pelakon2 muda & berbakat and also cameos dlm cite ni really makes it interesting.. masa movie preview tu, almost all of the cast members attended.. so mmng meriah gile event nih.. i didn't get to snappy2 coz i didn't bring my camera.. sbb only ptg tu je that i know about the event, so after work terus je ke midvalley. Anyways, i had fun la.. dah lama tak attend movie preview & mingle amongst ppl in showbiz. Thanks bro Ajami for the invite. :)