Happy New Year Guys!!
A new year means getting older.. and i don't like that.. huhu.. anyways, life goes on.. i'll try & make sure that i live life to the fullest b4 i settle down (read: getting married and all, if that ever happens.. huhu).. i've got few plans lined up for the year.. and i'm really excited.. some of the things that i look forward to are travelling to Jakarta-Bandung, Phuket-Krabi, Jordan, Tioman Island, hiking Mount Kinabalu and white-water rafting @ Kuala Kubu Baru.. there might just be more.. my parents suggested that we do Umrah sometime this year.. i'm not sure if i'm ready for that yet.. but we'll see..
Anyway, this year's new year 'celebration' was quite fun.. not that we really celebrated literally.. we gathered that nite for dinner at Seoul Garden restaurant in IOI Mall, Puchong, then decided to watch fireworks at Putrajaya..

But the thing is, none of us was really sure if there will be any fireworks there.. if xde pun, we just lepak2 aje lah.. and when we were about to head for Putrajaya, Tapa's car plak tak bleh start.. 3 round jugak la tolak keta trying to get it started.. but unfortunately it won't.. so they decided that we just carry on to Putrajaya & find / buy a jumper later.. luckily this one Esso station ada jual..
It was already 11.45 by then.. which means we're gonna miss the fireworks at P'jy (if there's any).. Luckily for us, on our way tu, dekat Sri Kembangan, we saw some fireworks.. and it turns out that mmng xde pun fireworks kat P'jy.. sib baik dpt la jgk tgk kat Sri Kembangan tu.. huhu.. smpai P'jy, jem le plak.. one of our friend plak hilang.. huhu.. sib baik last2 jmpa.. so lepak2 dpn Palace of Justice, about 2am, masing2 beransur. We did nothing actually, but it was fun just hangin' out & hv a chit chat.. alrite folks.. laterssssss..