SeLaMaT HaRi KeBaNgSaAn 2 AlL bLoG rEaDeRs..!!
The best thing about Merdeka Celebration for me this year is riding on a Flying Coaster.. haha!!

From left: Pyan, Sharul, Faiz and me.. the picture above was taken on Merdeka Day at Genting.. it was damn cool babe naik Flying Coaster tu..!! rasa mcm Superman plak.. hehe.. oh fyi, masa pic ni taken, flying coaster ni baru nak gerak.. tapi ntah apsal la muka si Faiz dh berkerut2 mcm dh tgh takut sgt plak dah..!! harhar..!!
1st of all, mesti sume org dh cop aku ni blogger pemalas kan.. coz dh lama gile tak update.. the truth is, mmng aku ni pemalas pun.. hehe.. furthermore, xde mende pun nak update.. and ditambah pulak dgn my workload yg bertimbun2 tu.. so ampun ya buk.. hehe.. Anyway, talking about Merdeka eve celebration, this year i had the most boring celebration ever.. too bad that Merdeka eve fell on a working day.. and for me to get to KL or Putrajaya or whatever town that hosts a celebration from Shah Alam after work, it would be like celebrating in the traffic jam.. it's a risk i wouldn't like to take.. so i decided to watch the Konsert Merdeka KLCC at home instead .. but my friend asked me to join them to a funfair near our house.. So i was in a dilemma whether nk tgk Konsert kat umah ke nk gi funfair.. but at the end, i decided to give it a go.. lgpun konsert tu mesti ada ulangan dia kan.. then on our way to dinner dlm kul 10 mcm tu, teringat pulak ada Desperate Housewives kat 8TV.. so bergegas le balik rumah.. then after show baru gi dinner.. and we were at a stall eating our meal when the clock strikes 12.. and dgr le bunyi fireworks yg ntah dr mana dtgnya.. from Dataran Shah Alam kot.. so that was it.. my Merdeka Eve celebration.. pathetic kan..?? haha..
FiNaLe SuArA JaTi 2o05
Oh.. psl our trip to Genting Highlands tu, it was a last minute planing.. Faiz called me masa Merdeka eve tu nak ajak gi Genting the next day.. he got free passes to Konsert Akhir Suara Jati Malaysia.. that's how i ended kat Genting on Merdeka Day tu..

The winners from left: Rahayudean (3rd place), Farhana (1st) and Ismadi (2nd)..
pix taken from Bintang Popular, Berita Harian
About the show, i have to say it was quite impressive.. some contestants really wowed the crowd including me.. especially the winner Farhana.. i recognised her since Malaysian Idol season 1 when she got through to the wildcard round but didn't make it to the top 12.. since then, she has improved a lot.. tremendously..!! her vocal control were much better, her stage prescence was exceptional, and her song choices were spot on.. particularly Fallin' (Alicia Keys).. she fully utilised her vocal range on this song compared to her 1st performance of Cinta Yang Syahdu (Nurul).. overall, she did extremely well and deserved the winning title.. she set the standard so high that none of the remaining finalists comes close.. the 2nd & 3rd place were a fair race between the rest.. coz non really stand out except for Farhana.. not to say that the rest are not good, but they lack the charisma, attitude and uniqueness that Farhana has.. that being said, these contestants combined together are far better than the Malaysian Idol 2 contestants all put together.. what a shame.. Roslan Aziz (one of the judges for Suara Jati Finale) must be damned embarassed of himself for putting through so many lousy singers through to the top 24.. this year's MI is probably of the same standard as today's Bintang RTM.. horrible!
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