Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Amazing Race Asia 2
Congratulations Adrian & Colin !!!

The winners - Colin & Adrian

I know it's a bit late to post on this.. i didn't get to watch the live telecast, sempat tgk ulangan je.. so that's why lmbt blog about this.. being an ardent fan of this show, i was disappointed aku x dpt tgk live.. sgt sedeyh ok..!!! of all days, hari tu pulak aku kena travel to langkawi.. we had a meeting at langkawi.. travel by bus seramai 40 org, depart pkl 9 pagi, kul 9 malam br sampai.. seriously..!! we singgah at ipoh pick some staffs there, the rest berenti kat rest house sket pny lama.. haha..! Sampai2 hotel Awana Porto Malai, terus bukak TV kot2 ada AXN.. xde la pulak.. ampess je..!!

2nd place - Pamela & Vanessa
U girls did Malaysia proud..!

Oklah back on to the show.. i really didn't expect that Marc & Rovilson would loose.. they've been very2 consistent throughout the competition.. forgetting that last road block, these 2 lads have shown their intelligence & endurance throughout the race.. plus, luck have always been on their side.. so it was shocking that it was the LAST road block that put them in 3rd place.. but i hv no qualms over that coz aku pun mmng x nak diorg menang pun.. bukan x suka, but i think semakin lama in the competition, their jokes are just not funny anymore, sometimes it translates as arrogance & over confidence.. annoying sometimes..

3rd place - Marc & Rovilson

So i'm very2 happy that Adrian & Colin won.. despite Adrian's handicap, they proved that anyone can achieve anything & everything if they put their heart & soul into their goals.. and that is what they (particularly Adrian) did.. they are very focused & determined to win.. they fought with integrity & good spirit.. a was very well deserved win.. However, kalau diberi peluang utk susun kedudukan pemenang, of course i would choose Pamela & Vanessa.. as i'm writing this, aku masih rasa terharu dgn pencapaian these two girls.. aku rasa sgt patriotik.. w'pun diorg x menang, ending the race at no 2 is a GREAT achievement.. mcm nak nanges pun ada masa they reached the pitstop.. diorg sgt bersemangat & happy bila smpai pitstop tu.. i'm very proud & happy for them.. well done girls..!

My favourite team - Paula & Natasha

A special mention goes to Pauta & Natasha.. aku sgt admire dgn spirit diorg berdua that they've shown throughout the race.. kita boleh rasa their bond & friendship sgt kuat.. x penah tgk diorg quarrel.. they encouraged each other, motivated each other, when one could not perform a task, they never complained but lift each other's spirit up.. sgt sedih masa diorg keluar.. mcm nak nanges pun ada.. hehe.. they are my favourite team antara semua2 yg bertanding..

Most unforgettable team - Terri & Henry

Another special mention is this team.. Terri & Henry..!! who can ever forget them..?!! rasa nak lepuk2 je si Terri tu.. aku pelik & takjub macam mana the husband boleh tahan dgn perangai isteri dia yg suka mengarah, menjerit x tentu hala, menengking & emo x tentu pasal.. sdgnkan Henry is very the opposite.. sgt polite, penyabar, calm & sewaktu dgnnya.. agaknya sbb tu la mmng ditakdirkan diorg berdua sbg husband & wife.. i'm amazed..!

So, TARA2 dah tamat.. tak bestnya..?!! it has been a great race & has a great ending to it.. tak sabarnya nak tunggu TARA3.. owh, tp xle keboasanan sgt TARA2 dah abis sbb American Idol 7 pun dah start & mlm ni bermula la persaingan top 24.. yeayy..!! gudby TARA2, welcome AI7.. yeehaa..!!!!

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