~ Salam Ramadhan !! ~
Raya Olok-Olok With Dayang Nurfaizah !!
Ok.. this happened quite some time ago.. i'm pretty sure my blog readers pun perasan i haven't been updating for few days already.. the truth is, mmng i was pretty busy.. and there weren't so many interesting things happening.. i missed a lot of things.. Ole2 Raya, Anugerah Era, and a few others.. so that explains the emptiness of this blog.. sedar2 dah masuk bulan puasa.. so to all Muslim readers, SELAMAT BERPUASA..!!!
Now on to the reason i blog.. this is actually a photoshoot for Media Hiburan for Dayang Nurfaizah.. they requested a photoshoot of Dayang & some close fans, so there we were having an olok2 raya at Kak Belle's house.. we celebrated raya sblm semua org puasa lagi.. it was fun..!! Kitorg punya persiapan mengalahkan raya yg betul.. hehe.. The girls - Kak Belle, Kak Shee & Kak Lis prepared the main dishes.. there were nasi ayam, lontong, nasi himpit, rendang.. the boys - myself, Balay & Saman brought some side dishes, kuih2 raya, kerepek etc.. i bought kek lapis yg dibeli kat Tesco.. hehe..
So around 1 plus, Dayang & Kak Liza pun sampai.. and us guys masih kat bilik dok bersiap.. Dayang kata bersiap mengalahkan artis.. hehe.. nak buat camne, after abis all the persiapan makanan apa semua, kitorg siap tertido2 lagi sementara nk tunggu Dayang sampai.. and Dayang & Kak Liza bawak satay..!!! yeayy...!! besh besh.. mmng mcm raya betul2.. kat my house, tiap2 raya mesti ada satay.. and aku la yg dok tukang kipas the satays..!!!
So sementara tunggu reporters smpai, kitorg pun bersembang & bergosip la jwbnya.. tunggu pnya tunggu, after sesat2, sampai lah org yg ditunggu2 from media hiburan - one reporter and a photographer.. and the photoshoot pun start.. starts with Dayang ala2 baru smpai ke rumah.. siap berlakon lambai2 lagi.. hehe.. owh ye, lupa nk mention.. Dayang sungguh anggun berbaju kurung putih + pink hari tu.. sesuai & sepadan ngan baju aku hr tu.. hehe.. tau2 je Dayang ni..!!
Then after that, sesi bersalam-salaman nak masuk rumah.. pastu sesi makan2.. rasanya aku ngan Dayang je makan betul2 time tu.. yg lain semuanya mkn olok2.. control cun & macho agaknya.. hehe.. kelakar la pulak kena berlakon itu & ini.. tp seronok la dpt tgk how a photoshoot is being done.. after abis kat tempat makan, sesi berbual & beramah mesra pulak kat ruang tamu.. mcm2 pose.. pose sopan, gile2, semua keluar.. memang meriah sungguh dgn gelak ketawa esp hilai tawa Kak Belle yg sungguh memecah keheningan!!
After abis sesi kat situ, kitorg smbung shooting kat luar rumah pulak.. diorg shoot Dayang scr solo.. and then Dayang salin baju for a casual look pulak.. sementara tunggu Dayang bersiap, MH pnya crew tu ckp nk ambik gmbr2 kitorg plak.. aiyyoo..!! gmbr kitorang pun nak ambik ke..?? sorang2 plak tu.. perlu ke kan..? hrmm.. dah diorg request, msng2 pun pose la ala2 artis.. baru tau betapa penatnya artis buat photoshoot.. nak senyum sket pnya lama pun penat ok..!! Dah abis sesi shoot tu, smbung plak photoshoot Dayang in a casual look atas kereta ni..
So habislah sesi photoshoot pada hari tu.. and kitorg pun sambung balik kat ruang makan.. sambung makan yg x abis tadi.. sambil makan, the reporters pun interview Dayang.. and dah abis interview, smbung ngan sembang2 & gosip.. hehe.. around 4-5 mcm tu, the photoshoot ends & the reporter & photographer pun balik.. of course before that, a group photo before everyone leaves..
So that was the story.. it really was very fun.. we had a great time.. thanks to Kak Belle & Along for borrowing us the house and the delicious cooking.. Kak Shee & Kak Lis as well.. thanks Dayang & Kak Liza for the satay & for having us entertained.. thanks to the MH crews (sorry i forgot the names!), and not to forget Balay & Saman, my partners in crime.. u guys rawkk..!! So u guys out there, don't 4get to get your copy of the Hari Raya bumper issue nanti ok..!! Ciow!!
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