BoYs NiTe OuT
BuKiT BiNtAnG oUtInG [30.09.07]
Peeps, i wanna ask you this.. living in KL, have u ever snapped a photo of yourself kat tgh2 town..? i bet most of you haven't kan..?? so after buka puasa & watched Dayang perform kat BB Plaza, me, Hamdi, Balay & Shamsul thought of this crazy idea to just walk around & enjoy the fresh night air sambil bergambar2.. seems fun kan..?? it really was..!!
Ye la, selalunya bila kita gi Bukit Bintang mesti sbb nak shopping kat Times Sq ke, or nak carik new phone kat Sg Wang, or beli belah computer stuffs kat Low Yatt etc etc.. but tak penah pun terpikir nak ambik gambar coz it's not where people used to take photos kan.. mana ada spots yg cantik nak pose pun.. but surprisingly, they turn out to be beautiful shots..!! just look at these photos.. interesting kan..?? of course, with Hamdi having his new canggih camera also helps beutify the shots..!!
After abis tgk Dayang perform kat BB Plaza, kitorg jalan2 from BB Plaza to McD yg besar tu.. along the way, posed at a couple of spots.. one particular photo that i love is this one below.. i just love this shot..! boleh buat cover album pun.. hehe..
Then we head to Starhill.. and betul2 depan Starhill tu ada Pavillion.. i've been there once coz my friend ada buat interior design for Parkson.. but the rest tak penah lagi pegi.. so we went inside the huge Pavillion.. it was already 10.30+ rasanya at that time tp tak tutup2 lagi Pavillion tu..
Time kitorg masuk tu, orang pun dah x berapa ramai.. so kitorg pun berpose2 lagi.. muahaha.. this Pavillion is quite classy la.. the interior design lookes quite elegant.. and it's damn huge..!!
Who would've thought tetiba je ada Pavilion kat tgh2 Bukit Bintang.. when my friend told me 'bout this Pavillion, i was like tak mungkin boleh wujudnya bangunan sebesar itu dpn Starhill tu.. when i went there myself, mmng terkejut beruk.. rupa2nya selama ni construction tu ditutup oleh pagar yg tinggi yg memang x nampak langsung diorg tgh buat shopping complex yg sungguhla besar itu..!!

So kitorg pun jalan2 la kat dalam Pavillion tu.. window shopping katanya.. after dah penat jalan, kitorg keluar and gi lepak kat Dome, my fave chill-out spot kat Bkt Bintang tu.. sembang2, sambil Hamdi had his sahur with a slice of Cheese Cake.. i just had a drink coz tiap2 ari bangun sahur pukul 5..

So begitulah ceritanya our boys nite out yg tak dirancang pun.. but it was really fun.. jalan2 tgh malam sambil berposing.. haha.. cuba la try, i tell u, mesti enjoy..!! For more beautiful shots, visit here ok!
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