Monday, August 20, 2007

Ruby Nite - MIDA's 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner
Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Dayang Nurfaizah.. one of the main performer for the night..

Anuar Zain.. another special guest performer..

This MIDA's 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner was held at Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on the 10th of August 2007.. with the theme "Decade Pass But The Ruby Still Glows", event ni diserikan dengan kehadiran their guest of honour, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz.. i would have to thank my friend Ieja for inviting me to this prestigious event knowing that i'm a big fan of Dayang.. so thanks Ieja (who has now become a fan of Dayang!), and thanks to the committee for choosing Dayang.. luv ya..!!

Anuar Zain

The event started with the opening gambit, MIDA choir (which i missed becoz of the heavy traffic jam!) and a video presentation of MIDA's history.. it was followed by a series of speeches by the chairman of MIDA and the honourable guest, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz - the Minister of International Trade & Industry.. After giving out prizes for their services award, the MC - singer Shahrizan announced the moment we've been waiting for - Dinner..! haha..

Dayang Nurfaizah

During dinner, we were entertained by a series of entertaining performers by MIDA Band & in-house talents.. i would have to say there were some pretty talented singers there..!! there were also some interesting culture dance performances and also a Broadway dance to the tune All That Jazz from the movie Chicago.. luv that movie..!!
Next was the performance by guest artists - Anuar & Dayang.. Anuar Zain came out 1st.. some of the songs that he sang were Keabadaian Cinta, Bila Resah & Sesucinya Cintamu..

And there i was giving out a flower to Dayang !

And finally, the real moment we've been waiting for.. well, at least for me la.. hehe.. unlike Anuar who used minus-one, Dayang was backed by a live band.. so, mmng best la.. Dayang opened her set with Puteri Santubung - a'capella, followed by Kasih.. Then b4 continue, Dayang ada ckp2 sket, then ckp ok let's celebrate.. ingatkan nk nynyi lagu Celebration ke hape kan, ghopenya lagu Joget Kenangan Manis.. hehe.. next sang Seandainya Masih Ada Cinta.. during this song, i went on-stage giving Dayang a flower.. hehe.. and u know what, she hold that flower sampaila habis dia pnya show.. sayang Dayang..!!

Me & Ieja with our dear Dayang..

After SMAC, Dayang nynyi lagu Ingin Ku Miliki, and closed the set with medley Crazy In Love & Survivor.. after abis show, jmpa Dayang backstage.. terkejut dia tgk aku naik stage.. sbb aku x bgtau dia i was going to the event, i just told Kak Liza - her manager je that i was coming.. hehe.. apa pun, performance Dayang mmng vast.. semua guests i believed were entertained.. lepas Dayang balik, we went back into the hall & join dance floor.. mmng happening.. the night was closed with the pocho2 dance.. w'pun x reti, aku join belasah je.. janji happening.. haha.. kesimpulannya, we really had fun..!!
The Pocho Pocho Dance..

Friday, August 03, 2007

Trip to Sipadan Island
[27 - 30 July 2007]

Day 1

[6.00am] Bertolak ke LCCT from Seremban, [6.45am] Arrived LCCT, [7.30am] Our plane berlepas ke Tawau, [10.20am] Arrived Tawau, breakfast @ Gerai Acil Soto Banjar b4 balik ke rumah our friend Arep..

These are what we had for breakfast - Soto Banjar, Nasi Kuning & Gado Gado Sabah..

[2.30pm] Berjalan-jalan sekitar Bandar Tawau, membeli belah dekat Pasar Ikan Tawau.. heaven bagi yg suka masak mcm kawan aku sorg ni.. murah2 gile!! 1kg ketam = rm3 !!

[6.30pm] Start masak.. aku tido je.. hehe.. bangun, tolong member2 aku goreng udang!! [8.30pm] Dinner.. b4 dinner, ambik2 gambar ngan masakan kitorg.. haha..!! After abis dinner, tgk TV, rest & tido..

Day 2

[6.00pm] Bertolak ke Semporna, [7.45pm] Sampai Semporna.. check in dekat Dragon Inn.. lawa gile siot resort dia..!! konsep sgt tidur atas air..!! murah lak tu rate dia..

[9.30am] Naik boat & bertlk ke Sipadan Island.. [11.00am] Sampai ke Pulau Mabul.. ada pulak one group main muzik menyambut ketibaan kitorg.. yg kelakarnya, tong drum dia pakai baldi je.. hehe.. kat Mabul ni pun ada resort kalau ada yg nak overnite kat pulau.. some of the boat passengers mmng drop kat sini & x gi Sipadan.. then kitorg breakfast kat Mabul tu b4 continue our boat ride to Sipadan..

Kitorg pun nak try main muzik gak.. hehe.. look at the beautiful ocean behind!

[11.30am] Off to Sipadan.. only 10 of us gi Sipadan.. my group of friends - 4 org & another 6 tu mat2 salleh scuba divers..
[12.00pm] Arrived Sipadan.. mak aii.. semua yg kat Sipadan ni semuanya foreigners - mat2 salleh & org2 Korea / Jepun.. the rest are armies & penjaga pulau tu.. cun siot ok pulau dia..!! air dia jernih gile..!!!! so off we go snorkeling..!! mmng heaven bg org yg suka snorkeling mcm aku.. cantik sangat2.. Corals besar2 & berwarna warni.. berenang2 dgn ikan2, penyu.. Subhanallah.. susah nak gambarkan the feeling & nikmat dia…

[1.30pm] Naik semula ke darat.. had lunch.. makan time penat2 mmng best.. u know the feeling kan..?! then off we go to another spot to snorkel.. kitorg nye boat bawak kitorg ke tengah2 laut & biar je kitorg go with the current.. mula2 cuak jugak sbb kena lepas kat tgh2 laut dalam.. ye la selama ni aku snorkeling pun x smpai ke tgh laut dalam.. and the experience was overwhelming..!! sgt best..!! rasa mcm tak nak naik semula ke boat.. jmpa bnyk spesis2 ikan cantik2.. pastu coral dia besar2..

[3.00pm] Dah puas snorkel at that port, kitorg balik semula ke darat had tea break.. makan roti dgn jam pun rasa sedap gile je.. hehe.. dah abis makan, naik semula ke boat.. [4.00pm] Our boat brought us to another port.. the rain started to pour.. mula2 ingatkan aktiviti snorkel berenti skejap, tapi tgk Mat2 Salleh scuba divers dlm boat kitorg tu semuanya bersiap2 nak turun.. so that means the rain doesn’t mean anything.. aktiviti snorkel & diving tetap diteruskan.. so kitorg pun bersiap jgk le utk turun dgn flipper semua.. best jgk snorkel dlm hujan2 ni.. hehe..
[5.00pm] So that was our last snorkeling port.. sedih nak balik semula ke Semporna.. huhu.. b4 balik Semporna, singgah dulu kat Mabul ambik some of the passengers yg turun kat sana.. had another tea break, then off we go back to Semporna [6.30pm] Arrived back at Semporna.. penat !!!!! rest sekejap kat our room..

[7.30pm] Had dinner at Uncle Chang’s restaurant.. Uncle Chang ni owner utk company yg buat pekej bwk kitorg ke Sipadan tu.. kebetulan, that nite was the opening nite.. so dia pun jamu kitorang & pelanggan2 dia yg lain makan.. siap ada band lagi..!!

The band.. best jugak soghe mamat ni.. nynyi lagu2 omputih lagi..!

The foods.. most of them are seafood.. best best..!!

[8.30pm] Balik ke resort.. [9.00pm] Tgk IKON Malaysia..!! hehe.. siap request lagi dkt receptionist tu mintak dia bukak Astro Ria.. ye la, kbnykan hotel & resort kan x pasang Ria.. nway, congrates Jac & OAG! Habis IKON, terus tido.. penat..!!!!!!

Day 3

[9.00am] Had breakfast.. habis tu, balik bilik, kemas2 utk balik ke Tawau..

Konsep kan? Ni dekat luar toilet.. nak mandi kena berhati2 sket.. hehe..

[11.00am] Checked out.. b4 gerak balik, kitorg pusing2 around the resort.. sbb resort ni terlampau la cantik, kitorg pun bergambar sakan.. bila lagi kan nak dpt tido kat resort atas air..?! pastu dekat resort ni jugak ada penternakan haiwan laut macam ikan, lobster, ketam, sotong.. semualah.. it was just amazing..!!!

[12.30pm] Pusing2 area Semporna.. kecik je Bandar Semporna ni.. xde apa sgt.. then head to Tawau [1.30pm] Sampai Tawau.. pusing2 bandar Tawau.. ingat nak carik restoran yg serve lobster, tp xde.. kalau nak, kena pre-order awal2.. kempunan nak makan lobster! then kitorg gi Pasar Gantung.. membeli belah barangan specialty kat Tawau.. pastu gi Pasar Ikan Tawau lagi..!! hehe.. seronok tol membeli belah kat situ.. murah2 belaka..!! beli sotong, udang etc utk masak nasik lemak esoknya for our picnic kat waterfall [8.00pm] Balik rumah, rest2, tgk TV, tgk2 gambar, then keluar gi makan kat Restoran Nelayan.. once again, try jgk tny ada lobster ke tak.. xde jgk.. huhu..!! [11.00pm] Sampai rumah terus tido.. penat..!!!!!

Day 4

[9.30am] Our last day in Sabah..!! huhu.. bangun lewat..!! My friends semua bangun awal sbb nk masak nasi lemak bwk gi picnic.. aku sorng je bgn lewat huhu.. bangun2 terus potong tomato, timun buat sandwich.. [10.30am] Bertolak ke Taman Bukit Tawau.. ada waterfall yg cantik katanya kat sana..

[11.30] Arrived Taman Bukit Tawau.. sadly, it was raining..!!! takpelah, alang2 dah smpai, kena jgkla berpicnic kat situ.. cantik sgt tempat ni..!! we were the only one kat situ.. xde org lain sbb hujan.. so agenda pertama, makan..!! breakfast + lunch.. sedap tul makan dlm hujan2 ni.. hujan x jgk berenti2.. gasaklah, kitorg nak jgk mandi kat sungai dia.. sejuk giler..!!!

Sejuk gile air dia..! I was freezing..!

[2.00pm] Dah puas mandi, we head back to Tawau.. smpai Bandar Tawau kitorg berenti kat tepi laut / jeti ambik2 gambar dulu.. then balik semula ke Pasar Gantung sambung membeli belah.. hehe..

Pastu gi pulak pasar kering beli keropok cincin, ikan kering, udang kering etc..

[4.00pm] Beli sayap ayam lelek RM1.20 sblh ngan Pasar Gantung.. murah gile..!! pastu dia punya chicken wing bknnya nipis2 mcm kat KL ni, isi dia tebal gile.. pastu murah plak tu..!!

[5.00pm] Sesampainya kat rumah Arep, terus melantak sayap ayam lelek..!! lazat sehingga menjilat jari..!! serius ni sedap gile.. menyesal beli 5 ketul je, kalau tau la sesedap tu, dah borong 20 dah.. hehe.. [6.00pm] Freshen up, pack2 barang bersedia nak balik.. [7.00pm] Bergerak ke airport Tawau.. [8.00pm] Check in.. lepak kat cafĂ©, had some ice-cream & Hoko drinks.. masa nak boarding tu, jumpa sorang makcik & mamat Korea yg sama2 gi Sipadan ngan kitorg tu.. [9.00pm] Plane berlepas [11.45] Arrived LCCT.. ambik cab balik ke S’ban.. terus tido.. penat..!!!!!

Gitulah citenye, holiday kitorg ke Tawau, Semporna, Sipadan.. it really was a satisfying experience.. best gile.. thanks to Arep sbb jdk tourist guide kitorg.. and also to Josh, housemate Arep yg bagi kitorg lepak rumah korg yg sungguh cantik tu..!! lain kali boleh le pegi lagi ye..

Owh btw, these are just a couple of pics from hundreds of them.. view them here ok.. .. till next time.. ciow..!!