Friday, February 22, 2008

Work Trip To Langkawi

Last week, i had a company strategic planning meeting plus team building at langkawi.. depart from KL with a bus occupied by around 30+ people around 9am, and arrived at the hotel betul2 kul 9 malam.. believe it or not..? believe it..!! haha.. cam cite Ripleys plak..

Reasonnya, kitorg lama melepak kat R&R.. biasa le, bila geng2 yg suka berjalan campur sedikit gile2, gitulah jadiknya.. contohnya R&R yg kitorg berenti yg kat atas ni.. aku pun dah x ingat yg ni kat mana.. Bukit Gantang ke Bagan Lalang ntah.. but the R&R was nice la.. very cozy.. mcm garden pun ada.. then drop kat Ipoh sekejap ambik some of our branch staffs kat sana..

We stayed at Awana Porto Malai.. It's quite a nice resort la.. the room was nice, food pun ok.. tp yg x bestnya sbb it's quite far drp town.. so throughout the 4 days kat langkwi, 2 kali je dpt gi town.. sempat gak le aku bershopping sakan beli coklat dan juga rokok utk diri sendiri & kawan2.. nak beli apa lagi kan kat Langkwi tuh.. kira2, dlm rm350 jugak la fulus aku habis utk membeli belah.. okla tu, drp yg lain siap beli segala pinggan mangkuk & periuk bagai..!

Anyway, aku xle eager sgt nk shopping & berjalan2 kat langkawi tuh.. sbb baru lagi aku ngan family holiday kat sana last year.. a colleague ajak gi blog hopping.. but i gotta past sbb dah pegi last year.. since free time very limited, i chose to jalan2 around Pekan Tuah & dkt jeti bersoping..

Talking bout the meeting, overall boleh kata best jugakla aktiviti2 yg dianjurkan.. the meeting & discussion tu x best, yg bestnya adalah aktiviti team building yg sgt happening.. siap menyanyi menari bagai.. pastu main business war.. best gile sbb team aku je yg tak rugi..

And one particular session yg aku suka jgk ialah when they did an inventori personaliti warna.. they gave us a set of 100 questions, and then ada la calculations etc, then we were classified into colours.. ada 4 kaler - biru, hijau, emas & jingga.. yg kelakarnya dlm 40 org that attended the session, aku sorg je yg berpersonaliti JINGGA..! we had to do a presentation of our dream office & i had to do it alone since aku sorang2 je personality JINGGA.. aku pnya dream office biasa la, must be luxurious but simple, ada entertainment stuffs around (ie bowling, extreme sports complex, cinema, karoke, shopping complex, all the fast food restaurants), area yg modern but not hectic like KL, office hours must be flexible, ada rest room equipped with a TV, a bes and etc etc.. talk namanya dream office kan, aku bantai je la kan.. after the presentation, the instructor pointed out aku nye fantasy semuanya bout entertainment & freedom.. not so much about the work.. team lain pun bnyk gak merapik but at least most of 'em ada la jgk sentuh psl work facilities like internet etc, aku langsung xde.. haha..! ye la, talk about dream office right..?!! and apa yg aku dreamed of my office tu memang betul2 kena dgn personality description utk kaler JINGGA!!

This is what it says:
Falsafah -> Kebebasan
Fokus -> Adventure, Pengembaraan
Kekuatan -> Benci peraturan, gopoh, bersemangat, berani, suka risiko, berkemahiran, spontaneous
Ciri Bekerja -> Puas dgn kerja yg beri kebebasan, gunakan koordinasi fizikal, performer semula jadi, bosan kerja berstruktur
Tema Komunikasi -> Tindakan, keseronokan, adventure
Bahasa -> terus terang, realistik
Personaliti contoh -> Mr Bean..!! haha..

Everthing is quite true.. (kecuali yg contoh Mr Bean tu je la kot!) Sape2 yg btol2 kenal aku, they will agree with the description.. sape2 yg tak kenal, maybe akan rasa pelik coz i don't look like mcm org yg suka beradventure, take risks, freedom etc.. even the instructors tu pun pelik aku dikategorikan dlm personaliti jingga.. ppl don't know that i do rock/wall/mount climbing, kayak, camping, exploring the caves, jungle trekking, snorkeling, flyng fox etc.. and org pun akan ingat yg aku ni jenis yg skema, obey the rules gile2, ikut je semua arahan.. but heck, i'm totally the opposite.. haha.. i missed my friends kat Uni dulu yg selalu buat keje2 gile ngan aku dulu.. never mind, i think i now hv new friends who also share the same interest.. cuma bezanya masa je yg x brp nak mengizinkan sbb masing2 keje & bz dgn life masing2.. but then again, i'm thankful to bincangdotnet!


p/s: For photos of my Langkawi trip last year, view them here ok..?!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Amazing Race Asia 2
Congratulations Adrian & Colin !!!

The winners - Colin & Adrian

I know it's a bit late to post on this.. i didn't get to watch the live telecast, sempat tgk ulangan je.. so that's why lmbt blog about this.. being an ardent fan of this show, i was disappointed aku x dpt tgk live.. sgt sedeyh ok..!!! of all days, hari tu pulak aku kena travel to langkawi.. we had a meeting at langkawi.. travel by bus seramai 40 org, depart pkl 9 pagi, kul 9 malam br sampai.. seriously..!! we singgah at ipoh pick some staffs there, the rest berenti kat rest house sket pny lama.. haha..! Sampai2 hotel Awana Porto Malai, terus bukak TV kot2 ada AXN.. xde la pulak.. ampess je..!!

2nd place - Pamela & Vanessa
U girls did Malaysia proud..!

Oklah back on to the show.. i really didn't expect that Marc & Rovilson would loose.. they've been very2 consistent throughout the competition.. forgetting that last road block, these 2 lads have shown their intelligence & endurance throughout the race.. plus, luck have always been on their side.. so it was shocking that it was the LAST road block that put them in 3rd place.. but i hv no qualms over that coz aku pun mmng x nak diorg menang pun.. bukan x suka, but i think semakin lama in the competition, their jokes are just not funny anymore, sometimes it translates as arrogance & over confidence.. annoying sometimes..

3rd place - Marc & Rovilson

So i'm very2 happy that Adrian & Colin won.. despite Adrian's handicap, they proved that anyone can achieve anything & everything if they put their heart & soul into their goals.. and that is what they (particularly Adrian) did.. they are very focused & determined to win.. they fought with integrity & good spirit.. a was very well deserved win.. However, kalau diberi peluang utk susun kedudukan pemenang, of course i would choose Pamela & Vanessa.. as i'm writing this, aku masih rasa terharu dgn pencapaian these two girls.. aku rasa sgt patriotik.. w'pun diorg x menang, ending the race at no 2 is a GREAT achievement.. mcm nak nanges pun ada masa they reached the pitstop.. diorg sgt bersemangat & happy bila smpai pitstop tu.. i'm very proud & happy for them.. well done girls..!

My favourite team - Paula & Natasha

A special mention goes to Pauta & Natasha.. aku sgt admire dgn spirit diorg berdua that they've shown throughout the race.. kita boleh rasa their bond & friendship sgt kuat.. x penah tgk diorg quarrel.. they encouraged each other, motivated each other, when one could not perform a task, they never complained but lift each other's spirit up.. sgt sedih masa diorg keluar.. mcm nak nanges pun ada.. hehe.. they are my favourite team antara semua2 yg bertanding..

Most unforgettable team - Terri & Henry

Another special mention is this team.. Terri & Henry..!! who can ever forget them..?!! rasa nak lepuk2 je si Terri tu.. aku pelik & takjub macam mana the husband boleh tahan dgn perangai isteri dia yg suka mengarah, menjerit x tentu hala, menengking & emo x tentu pasal.. sdgnkan Henry is very the opposite.. sgt polite, penyabar, calm & sewaktu dgnnya.. agaknya sbb tu la mmng ditakdirkan diorg berdua sbg husband & wife.. i'm amazed..!

So, TARA2 dah tamat.. tak bestnya..?!! it has been a great race & has a great ending to it.. tak sabarnya nak tunggu TARA3.. owh, tp xle keboasanan sgt TARA2 dah abis sbb American Idol 7 pun dah start & mlm ni bermula la persaingan top 24.. yeayy..!! gudby TARA2, welcome AI7.. yeehaa..!!!!