Wednesday, January 16, 2008

PhotoBlog Entry

Hrmm.. actually, i've got nothing to update.. dah seminggu lebih xde posting.. normally, i only update when there are hip & happening stuffs around.. but lately, i find myself mcm dah slow sikit join all these kind of events.. most of my times are spent with kawan2 gi main bowling, tgk wayang, karaoke etc.. most of them with geng2 BDNers.. i even sacrificed some showcases just to hang out with friends.. i guess, it goes with the age kot.. haha.. since aku xde apa2 yg interesting nak hapdate, let me do a photoblog entry of what i've been doing lately (apart from forcing my brain to think, read & write my theses!)

This is where it all begin.. i was preparing myself for a bowl tournament, and my friend - Deida ajak join training ngan geng2 dia, bdk2 BDN ( .. i didn't even know what BDN was back then.. since i don't have training partners, i decided to give it a go.. and i hooked with them instantly..! (well not actually instantly, prbbly after 2 or 3 meets hehe)..

Am not sure this was our 3rd or 4th meet.. this was at Ampang Point.. and it was Emy's birthday so we had a small celebration for her..

And the BDN peeps not only bowl, but we do all sorts of other things as well like watching movies, futsal, karaoke etc.. but of course, most of my time with them were at the bowling alley (and lepak @ mamak stall!) coz that's my interest and why i joined them in the 1st place.. but nevertheless, these peeps are very cool people to hang out with..

Some of the regulars, and now have become my homies, Myo (in front), Auk (with the cap) and Ayoi..

Some of the girls - Iz, Finyz & Emy with Sri at the back..

Celebrated Sri & Myo's birthday last month.. Sri's was on the 26th while Myo celebrated his on the 27th - the same day as my dad's birthday.. and a week after that, some of us hang out for a movie and karaoke, and they had a surprise b'day bash for me.. thnx so much to Asrul, Deida, Myo, Jaabil, Iz & Emy for the celebration..! i seriously didn't expect that.. read 2 entries below for stories on the bday bash.. =)

This was our most recent bowling outing.. fyi, we had this weekly.. every friday we will gather and bowl.. previously, we bowled at Ampang Superbowl, Berjaya Times Square, but we changed the venue recently to Endah Parade.. but sometimes, we also bowled other days and other venues..

Some of the regulars, from left Ayoi (in light blue), Mukh, Bro Morp, Asrul, Myo, Myself, Ajak and Fatin in front..

The guys selalunya akan main jackpot.. wanna know what jackpot is..? come join us & find out..! The pic above showing Ajak winning some jackpots.. hehe..

And agenda wajib setiap kali after abis bowling ialah melepak di kedai mamak.. owh, not anymore actually.. biasanya kalau main kat BTS, kitorg akan lepak at mamak stall blkng BTS.. and since dah pindah venue ke Endah Parade, we usually eat at this one restaurant kat Sri Petaling.. our regular spot..

And this was last week.. Kak Masz (one of BDN member) invited us to her sister's wedding.. so a few of us (myself, Myo, Fatin, Finyz, Deida, Emy & Asrul) went to the event.. 1st time jumpa Kak Masz.. tinggi orgnya.. hehe.. begitu juga si pengantin.. gambar above ni kitorg dgn pengantin di background.. hehe..

Asrul & the ladies..

And afterwards, decided to lepak2.. at 1st plan nak tgk wayang.. they suggested Alvin & The Chipmunks.. but i'm not a fan of animated movies so i was gonna pass.. Deida plak dah tgk cite tu.. so unanimously, we decided to karaoke instead.. so berayu2an lah gadis2 ni dgn berbaju kurung ke pusat karaoke.. tak penah dibuat org.. hehe..

Deida, Myo & I

Emy, Myo, myself, Finyz, Fatin & Asrul..

4 dara pingitan - Emy, Fatin, Finyz & Deida

After karaoke kat Imbi, lepak makan2 at Berjaya Times Square pny food court.. and on our way to our parking, sempat pulak kitorg melepak kt depan lift BTS sambil berposing haha..!! the BDNers mmng suka pose for the camera..! =)

Best buddies from BDN - myo & asrul

Itu ajelah kot my photoblog entry.. tgklah gambar2 ni.. nak layan BDN jap.. hehe..

Monday, January 07, 2008

My Day Of The Year 2008
[January 7th]

It's that day again when i felt i'm turning old.. argghh..!!

Emy suapkan kek.. Jaabil sempat je pose..!

Well, i didn't really planned to have this b'day bash initially.. ingatkan nak karok hr isnin malam (7/1 on my b'day).. but then i got a workshop/course that Sunday morning and it finished early.. i went out afterwards and kebetulan Asrul ajak g tgk wayang kat BTS dgn Iz skali.. i called Deida ajak dia join.. sbb aku tau si Deida ni mmng kaki wayang & katanya kalo nak tgk wayang ajak je dia.. skali aju ajak, malu2 kambing plak..?!! aiyyoo... mek da nieh..!! so sesampai sana, rupanya Emy pun ada gak.. ramai pulak geng2 BDN yg ada.. so alang2 dah kuar tu, kitorg decided nak karok je malam tu terus after abis muvie.. so that's how we ended up at Imbi's Karaoke centre..

Asrul ko korek wallet ako..??! ampes..!!

Before karok tu, kitorg layan cite Warlords.. gile ganas cite ni..!! w'pun klasifikasi U, i don't think it's suitable for kids to watch.. but seriously, cite ni mmng ganas & sesapa suka acting & fighting scenes, direkemenkan tgk cite.. i'm not a fan of chinese movies, tp cite ni boleh thn la.. masa asrul msg aku bgtau kita akan tgk cite Warlords, aku x tau hape pun psl muvie ni.. i even thot cite Warlords tu cite omputih.. haha..

My Heart - Deida & Myo.. Deida malu2 kambing lak nynyi..

So after the movie, we headed over to karaoke kat Imbi.. called Myo & Jaabil asked them to join us.. Jaabil mmng dah stuju nak karok either day, and Myo lak dah mmng ada kat KL.. so seven of us pun mula la berkarok.. spt biasa, lagu wajib aku ialah My Baby You.. lagu wajib Emy ialah Gantung (tp dia x smpat nynyi, sempat pilih je.. huhu) & lagu wajib Myo - Cinta Pantai Merdeka.. lagu wajib Asrul & Jaabil aku x ingat dah sbb rock kapak old-school sgt..!!

Aku & Izhani layan jiwang - Doa Buat Kekasih

After few songs, tgh sedap2 Myo layan jiwang, tetiba lagu berenti.. aku boleh gi marah Asrul sbb stop lagu tu..?! rupanya diorg buat surprise dgn segala cake, b'day song and all.. and heck, it wasn't even my b'day yet !! haha.. coz it was only 11++ pm, shy few minutes away from my birthday.. but thanks so much especially to Asrul who sponsored the cake.. (according to Deida).. i really really appreciate that.. coz they doesn't need to do that really.. just spending the time with some good friends on the eve of my b'day pun dah kira cukup best dah..! so thanks guys.. really appreciate it.. terharu aku dibuatnya..!

Sapo yg paling feeling..?! En Jaabil menang hands down.. haha..!!

BDN frenzy... Emy, Jaabil, Myo, Judd, Deida & Izhani

2nd shot - Asrul, Jaabil, Aku, Deida, Iz & Myo jiwang

Nway, despite that awful feeling of turning old, i still felt blessed & very much happy though coz i recieved tonnes and tonnes of birthday wishes from friends, family and online buddies who some of them i have never met b4..!! tak kira la by saying it direct to me ke, sms ke, myspace, friendster, forum etc etc, irregardless it's in advance or belated, i appreciate them all very very much.. let me try & name those who made my day one by one..
asrul, deida, myo, emy, jaabil, iz, aloy, teera, yus, ely, kak liza, bella, finyz, ayoi, fatin, dayang, mama, shahir, hamdi, riza, dolla, leen, lan, nisha, papa, enon & family, yana, alyn dv, aunty putri, totti, missy, chef nizam, supin, abe parok, kuden, nookies, hrya, CK, cupid, eally, max, fir, nana, tipah, khai, ayoi, kayma, ieja, roslina, ijad, mama za8, kak sri, nurul coinsss, ajak, kak noni, abby, slash, kak azma, kak ka, ain cik bintang, ess, mayang, shu, alynn, gudgal, ain07ik, eis sofia, niksu, nurul loco, kak gie, ai buanne, shahrul dion, alyn dn, jdfortune, kak manpal, kak sri, cupid, sya, azimah, lia, kak lis, remy, ainul & EJ.. kalau ada tambahan nnti aku hapdate.. God bless y'all..!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 !!!

Happy new year kwn2 semua..!! 2007 dah melabuhkan tirai.. thn 2008 pulak menjelma.. aku akhiri 2007 dgn tahlil utk arwah kwn aku yg sgt disayangi.. and on the way balik ke rumah around 11.45 mcm tu, nmpk bnyk kereta berenti tepi2 jalan nak tgk fireworks.. so sepanjang2 balik ke rumah tu, 2 kali kali nmpk fireworks.. kat OU and then kat Sunway.. hujan plak turun renyai2.. hujan rahmat, insya-Allah..

And for the 1st time in my life i have a new year resolution.. i never had one before.. but this time there is one thing that i need to accomplish which is to complete my msc.. i need to do that in 2008, no later than that.. if not, my life would be a complete failure coz aku dah asyik bertangguh2 menybbkan msc aku dah 2 1/2 years, so this year by hook or by crook kena jgk siap.. kalau x siap jgk, alamatnya smpai bila2 pun la x siap.. doakan aku ye kwn2..!.. and within the same year, hopefully i would be able to further my studies to a higher level.. insyaAllah.. and i also pray that baru ni menjadikan aku insan yg lebih matang & insan yg lebih baik.. sounds klise, but tulah harapan aku sbb aku rasa bnyk sgt kekurangan & kelemahan pd diri & kehidupan aku ni.. usia pun makin meningkat, beban pun makin bnyk.. harap2 doa aku dimakbulkan Tuhan.. amin.. Happy New Year peeps..!!!!