Happy new year kwn2 semua..!! 2007 dah melabuhkan tirai.. thn 2008 pulak menjelma.. aku akhiri 2007 dgn tahlil utk arwah kwn aku yg sgt disayangi.. and on the way balik ke rumah around 11.45 mcm tu, nmpk bnyk kereta berenti tepi2 jalan nak tgk fireworks.. so sepanjang2 balik ke rumah tu, 2 kali kali nmpk fireworks.. kat OU and then kat Sunway.. hujan plak turun renyai2.. hujan rahmat, insya-Allah..
And for the 1st time in my life i have a new year resolution.. i never had one before.. but this time there is one thing that i need to accomplish which is to complete my msc.. i need to do that in 2008, no later than that.. if not, my life would be a complete failure coz aku dah asyik bertangguh2 menybbkan msc aku dah 2 1/2 years, so this year by hook or by crook kena jgk siap.. kalau x siap jgk, alamatnya smpai bila2 pun la x siap.. doakan aku ye kwn2..!.. and within the same year, hopefully i would be able to further my studies to a higher level.. insyaAllah.. and i also pray that baru ni menjadikan aku insan yg lebih matang & insan yg lebih baik.. sounds klise, but tulah harapan aku sbb aku rasa bnyk sgt kekurangan & kelemahan pd diri & kehidupan aku ni.. usia pun makin meningkat, beban pun makin bnyk.. harap2 doa aku dimakbulkan Tuhan.. amin.. Happy New Year peeps..!!!!
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