Tuesday, July 06, 2004

And the winner is Greece..!

The End of EURO 2004... Posted by Hello

The Kings of Europe..! Posted by Hello

So, my predictions are totally wrong ha..?! You guys must be laughing at me..:P Anyhow, i'm glad it's Greece that won the cup and not Portugal.. (the Portuguese trashed the teams that i support, England & Holland remember..!!??) So, the Euro fever is over now.. along with the great memories.. and funny ones too !! who can forget Beckham's penalty shoot-out!? and what a shock the underdog teams gave us.. hopefully Greece & Czech Rep (just to name a few) will continue to shine and add more spice to the football world.. apart from the fall-out of more experienced teams such as Italy, Germany, France etc.. and to the stars of Euro 04, Rooney, Zagorakis, C. Ronaldo, Baros etc, we hope to see more of these faces in the upcoming tournaments.. all the best!

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