My Sister's Wedding, Amy and Najib... 12 and19.08.06
Okie dokie.. before i update my blog on the hips & happening stuffs, let me blog on my sis' wedding 1st that was long overdue.. but 1st and foremost, i would like to congratulate Amy Fadzlina, my 2nd sister who is now happily married to Mohd Najib Yusoff on the 12 of August 2006.. they're on their honeymoon now..!! diorg diijabkabulkan on the 12th morning in my hometown in Penang.. she wore a white modern kurung from Jalinan
Kasih.. and that afternoon that same day, a kenduri and majlis bersanding was held.. this time the theme was pink.. thanks sis for the pink kain..!! hehe.. so the entire hous was pink.. the pelamin, attire, hantaran, bilik tidur.. sampai bijik mata pun dah naik pink bak kata one visitor at my fotopage.. after the bersanding, and makan beradab, acara potong kek pulak.. they were supposed to change their to modern attire, white gown & tuxedo, but unfortunately the mak andam lmbt pulak smpai.. so x jadik salin baju.. but the potong kek still jalan.. sebut pasal kek ni, teringat lak pasal the foods.. this time special sikit.. besides the usual nasi, the guests were treated with bubur kacang & laksa.. so sape2 yg dtg lewat2 petang sikit around 3 plus tu dpt le makan dessert.. oh ya.. lagi satu, sama gak mcm my 1st sis pny wedding, my dad jemput a DJ utk memeriahkan majlis.. previously, jemput DJ Radio Penang, Dino.. this time turn anak pompuan dia pulak.. dahsyat jgk dia berceloteh mcm bpk dia jugak.. smpai my cousin yg kecik lg tny DJ ni tak penat ke berckp?? tak la kot sbb dah tu keje dia kan.. so the majlis ended around 6 pm.. standard la kan..

Ok yg tu event kat Penang.. now nak cite event kat Temerloh, Pahang lak.. yg ni grand sikit eventnya coz PM & MB Pahang nak datang.. ramai gak yg tanya my sister nape PM datag?? kakak ko kawen ngan kerabat diraja ke..?? no lah.. actually husband my sister ni keje ngan Pak Lah.. sape yg baca newspaper or happen to watch the news tau la kot.. semua paper & news from all TV stations ada.. and coincidently, Pak Lah ni dulu kawan kepada my dad masa my dad further study kat US dulu.. in fact Pak Lah ni la yg sambut kat airport masa 1st time kitorg arrive kat US dulu.. Pak Lah ni dari dulu mmng baik orgnya.. mcm tu la dia.. ada lagi gmbr kenangan dia dtg rumah siap bg duit lagi.. hehe.. tapi after kitorg balik M'sia and my dad pun dah tak aktif lagi dgn UMNO, so dah jarang la jumpa Pak Lah.. so this marriage kiranya brought the friendship back la if u could say so..

Anyway, back to the event.. mula2 Pak Lah & MB Pahang, Tok Nan arrive kat rumah pengantin lelaki before dibawak ke tapak persandingan.. ni 1st time jumpa Tok Nan.. surprisingly, he's such a nice person & peramah orangnya despite his image yg agas ganas tu.. Pak Lah as we all know, mmng sgt le berjiwa rakyat.. 
then pengantin diarak naik gajah.. as i was running nak gi depan ambik gmbr pengantin atas gajah tu, x sangka la it was captured by cameraman tv3.. so masuk la kejap the scene where i was running tu dlm Buletin Utama TV3.. hehe.. nasib baik crowd mmng ramai gile so dlm tak perasan sgt le dlm TV tu..!! so after dah habis berarak, disambut oleh Pak Lah, then ada silat 2 sikit, pastu baru walk on the red carpet aisle ke tempat bersanding.. masa ni, mak aaiii.. packed betul.. ramai gile org.. it was estimated around 6000 plus org yg dtg.. tp jgn risau, makanan semua cukup coz 16 kampung gotong royong masak makanan..!! so dah bersnding, upacara merenjis & tepung tawar oleh PM, MB, YB2, parents from both sides, then baru makan2.. then ada ucapan from MB & Pak Lah himself.. then after abis makan2 & ucapan semua tu, upacara potong kek plak berlangsung bersama2 ngan parents, PM & MB.. after abis tu, event pun selesai.. PM pun berangkat pulang.. and officially it was over..
Below are some pix which i got online from MStar, Utusan Online and Bernama.. (click image or open in new window for larger size)..

Oklah.. that's it for now.. will update next on One In A Million, Pot-Luck Party with Ning & Zoom In Dayang Nurfaizah..c ya in my next posting.. very very soon aigght..!
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