Genting Highlands Outing
Date: 09.08.08
Date: 09.08.08
This was last Saturday.. gi berfoya2 di Genting Highlands dgn geng2 BDN - myself, deidaa, emy, asrol, myo, don, mayang, ain, drim & dd. Mula2 berjumpa kat Genting Sempah dulu, then konvoi to Gohtong Jaya from there at around 10.. b4 smpai ke tempat dituju, sempat lg si Don menyesatkan kami dgn menghala balik ke KL semula.. terpaksa u-turn balik kat tol near uia gombak tuh.. huhu.
Masuk2, we head to game Corkscrew the rollercoaster.. gile panjang queue.. beratur jgklah.. tgh beratur tu, ujan turun.. adoyai lagi.. we waited a couple of minutes, but the rain started to pour makin2 lebat plak so kitorg berteduh kat kedai dorayaki.. and the rain won't stop pouring.. so kitorg decide nak masuk indoor arena for lunch.. it was 2 pm & haven't played a single game yet at that time!! I had burger king for lunch, and some others had KFC. Tak sedap plak burger dia aku rasa kat atas nih, dah le double the normal price! huhu.
Habis lunch, we went in and terus naik kete antique kat atas nih.. hujan dah reda time nih.. after that, kitorg naik roller coaster mini plak yg ada tembus2 gua.. it combines both the indoor & outdoor area.. best gak game nih.. tak la thrill sgt, tp best aaa.. pastu naik rollercoaster.. yeayy!! The results, let the below pic explains.. ehehe.. mmng best gile. =)
Abis naik rollercoaster corkscrew, naik keretapi hantu plak.. tak best langsung!! bkn stakat tak best, tak menakutkan lgsng pun.. i noticed that hantu dah kurang.. elemen2 terkejut pun xde.. the last time aku naik mende alah ni, ada gak hantu2 yg boleh membuatkan aku terkejut.. this time langsung xde.. maintenance x jaga la diorg nih.. huhu.. in between games, posing dulu spt di bwh. :D
Next - dinosaur land.. lama gak beratur nak naik boat tuh.. tp beratur gak le.. bayor mahal2, baik naik semua.. unlike some kwn2 aku tuh, itu takut nak naik, ini tak nak naik.. baik x yah dtg kalu gitu.. haha..
Masa naik boat tuh, we were brought into a cave.. ghope2nya ada wayang.. patut pun lama tnggu boat tuh.. ada wayang rupanya.. ada la cite2 pasal dinosaur complete ngan replika2 dinosaur yg bergerak2.. quite entertaining & informative..

Selepas itu, kitorg pun mengembara di dinosaurland smbil berposing sakan. =)

Sengal tul pic kat bwh ni esp yg kepalanya kena makan ngan dinosaur tuh. :p
Ni plak dah mcm tugu negara dah. :D

Next game, buai laju2 as in pic below.. game ni dari dulu mmng best aa.. sejak aku kecik lagi aku suka main mende ni.. sejibik cam kat masa aku US dulu.. asrol buli aku taim nih.. ada ke patut dihuyung hayangkan aku masa nak start tuh.. dah le aku blom menguncikan diri aku taim tu.. tp takpe, ada udi ada batas, in the next game aku balas.. ehehe.. aku, emy, deidaa & asrol naik tea cup plak.. nmpk cam x thrill kan.. but i made it more than thrill.. haha.. selaju2nya aku pusing tea cup tu secara manual.. abis semuanya pening2 lalat after turun dr cawan tu.. haha.. ape la korg nih, tu pun pening.. tak macho langsung! :p

Next - bumper boat.. game ni pun lama gak queue.. almost 40 minutes.. but worth the wait la.. aku, emy & deidaa je yg main mende alah ni.. asrol dah terbongkang akibat kepeningan naik tea cup.. ehehe.. masa tnggu nk main nih, tergelak2 aku tgk sorg dak pompuan tuh x reti nk navigate bumper boat ni.. dia dok berpusing2 je smpai la dibwk arus ke hujung sana.. bila abis game, terpaksa rescuer gi ambik.. ehehe..

Dah abih main bumper boat nih, gi tgk mayang & ain tgh naik pirate ship.. ala, yg boat besar go back & forth tuh.. game ni x takut langsung bg aku, tapi geli2 muntut la naik bende ni.. ehehe.. aku dok blkng skali to enjoy the game at maximum level while deidaa & emy dok kat tgh2.. kat situ muntut x geli sgt aaa.. apa barang.. :p And that was the last game i played.. lepas tuh kitorg turun via kete kabel, then head back to KL.. drim ajak makan kat Restoran Cheng Ho milik Amy Search.. sesampai sana, penuh la plak but we decided to wait coz tak penah lagi makan kat sini.. nak gak try kan alang2 dah sampai tu..

Setelah menunggu bbrp lama, finally we got in.. and aku memvolunteerkan diri pilih the dishes.. These were what i ordered.. sweet sour chicken, beef with mongolian sauce, buttered prawn, fried squids, red tom yam, ikan kerapu masak ape ntah aku x ingat and also kailan ikan masin.. all worth rm24.90 per pax. Not bad kan?

Did we enjoyed our meal?? You bet we did! Just look at this pic below. =)

All are recommended to the restaurant. :) So that was the end of my day. Sampai rumah around 12 terus collapse. Gile penat. Esoknya kena bgn awal pagi plak for a diddyfc bowling tournament plak. huhu. Will blog bout that later. Adios amigos. :D
Some more photos:
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