I Won This! =)

Bronze je pun.. :p Tapi takpe, i'm still proud of it. Prbbly my biggest achievement di arena pebowlingan.. Actually dah biasa menang pun before this, but this one is prbbly the biggest event yg aku penah join.. And dpt medal pulak tu.. so bangga la jgk. :p
So ni sebenarnya medal utk kejohanan sukan staff held at Malaysian Spanish Institute kat Kulim, Kedah for the last 1 week since 19/5.. seminggu beb berkampung kat sana.. memang seronok.. so mcm biasa la, aku wakil UniKL City Campus in Bowling Event - Kateori Team & Double. Yg bronze medal ni aku menang utk team event. Me & my captain scored the highest for our team.. Sayang sgt sbb yg lagi 2 org x brp perform mcm biasa. Kalau tidak, boleh kot challenge the top 2 teams.. Utk double event plak, me & my captain teamed up.. we were in the top 3 for the 1st 2 games.. sekali last 2 games captain aku plak drop.. terus kitorg terkeluar drp top 3.. huhu.. tapi takpelah, it happens in bowling.. kitorg dah cuba sebaik mungkin..
Oklah, nanti2 aku sambung story pasal kejohanan ni bila dpt gambar.. nak gi EP jap lagi. Dah lama x menjengah EP tu. Ciow. =)
So ni sebenarnya medal utk kejohanan sukan staff held at Malaysian Spanish Institute kat Kulim, Kedah for the last 1 week since 19/5.. seminggu beb berkampung kat sana.. memang seronok.. so mcm biasa la, aku wakil UniKL City Campus in Bowling Event - Kateori Team & Double. Yg bronze medal ni aku menang utk team event. Me & my captain scored the highest for our team.. Sayang sgt sbb yg lagi 2 org x brp perform mcm biasa. Kalau tidak, boleh kot challenge the top 2 teams.. Utk double event plak, me & my captain teamed up.. we were in the top 3 for the 1st 2 games.. sekali last 2 games captain aku plak drop.. terus kitorg terkeluar drp top 3.. huhu.. tapi takpelah, it happens in bowling.. kitorg dah cuba sebaik mungkin..
Oklah, nanti2 aku sambung story pasal kejohanan ni bila dpt gambar.. nak gi EP jap lagi. Dah lama x menjengah EP tu. Ciow. =)
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