Catatan Perjalanan Bahagian 1
Langkawi : 30.10 - 02.11.09
Langkawi : 30.10 - 02.11.09
Day 1 ~ Jumaat, 30.10.09
11.45am : Myself with Jarr, Ayu, Emy, Fizah & Fiz were the 1st group to arrive at the Langkawi, Airport.. we took our MPVs, settlekan payment dgn agen then uruskan island hopping nye hal.
01.00pm : Fetched Maly & Izuliana at the jetty, then checked-in at out apt.
02.30pm : Went for lunch kat airport, smbil tnggu rombongan Morph & Dhira, Khalid & Mohamad and Asrol & Su.
03.30pm : Rombongan yg baru tiba gi lunch & check in apt, myself & Jarr gi round Pekan Kuah sambil tnggu Tapa who is supposed to arrive at 5pm. Sekali dia miss flight daa.. so dia ambik the next flight sama ngan Ain.. so aku n Jarr went back to our apt.
05.00pm : Free n easy.. Aku gi mandi kat swimming pool ngan Jarr, Asrol, Maly & khalid. The rest menidor agaknya.
02.30pm : Went for lunch kat airport, smbil tnggu rombongan Morph & Dhira, Khalid & Mohamad and Asrol & Su.
03.30pm : Rombongan yg baru tiba gi lunch & check in apt, myself & Jarr gi round Pekan Kuah sambil tnggu Tapa who is supposed to arrive at 5pm. Sekali dia miss flight daa.. so dia ambik the next flight sama ngan Ain.. so aku n Jarr went back to our apt.
05.00pm : Free n easy.. Aku gi mandi kat swimming pool ngan Jarr, Asrol, Maly & khalid. The rest menidor agaknya.
06.30pm : The entire rombongan went out to fetch Ain & her sis and also Tapa. Then str8 gi kedai mkn yg berhampiran for dinner smbil tnggu the nxt group - Mukh's family, Miey_Z's family and Aizat & fiancee who were supposed to arrive at 10.15. Skali flight diorg delay 1/2 jam daa..
While waiting for dinner, some of us went snappy here & there at a nearby roundabout.. ada this interesting scuplture mcm stonehenge plk..
10.00pm : Sambil tnggu kedtgan mukh & the geng, kitorg gi jalan2 shopping brng2 yg x cukup ataupun tertinggal mcm selipar, sunblock, topi, shorts, kudap-kudapn dsb.
11.00pm : Mukh & the geng sampai. Then str8 to apt & rest for aktiviti keesokan harinya.
11.00pm : Mukh & the geng sampai. Then str8 to apt & rest for aktiviti keesokan harinya.
Day 2 ~ Sabtu, 31.10.09
08.30am : Ahli rombngn turun breakfast smbil tnggu semua rakan2 siap.
09.30am : Gerak to jeti berdktan dgn Awanta Porto Malai. Perjalanan sedikit tertunda sbb flight Shima yg supposed to arrive at 8.30am got delayed.
09.30am : Gerak to jeti berdktan dgn Awanta Porto Malai. Perjalanan sedikit tertunda sbb flight Shima yg supposed to arrive at 8.30am got delayed.
10.30am : Perjalanan island hopping bermula.
Our 1st stop was Tasik Dayang Bunting where there were so many monkeys yg ganas2!!
Then we went to a port where the eagles feed.. It was a breathtaking scene.
And finally, gi mandi manda at Pulau Beras Basah.
And finally, gi mandi manda at Pulau Beras Basah.
02.30pm : Selesai island hopping, we went for lunch at Pantai Chenang.
04.00pm : Arrived at the apt, then rest2 for the nxt activity. During free & easy time ni ada yg gi berenang kat pool, ada yg main pool, ada yg berdengkur & sbgnya.
06.30pm : Keluar jalan2 sight-seeing & window shopping spnjng Pantai Chenang including a group shot at Laman Padi.
07.30pm : Makan laksa kat Restoran Aliah.09.30pm : Balik semula ke apt. Ada yg kepenatan & terus ketidoran.
10.30pm : Aku, morph, barapi & miey_z gi layan reggae smbil tgk beach boys main api kat Pantai Chenang.04.00pm : Arrived at the apt, then rest2 for the nxt activity. During free & easy time ni ada yg gi berenang kat pool, ada yg main pool, ada yg berdengkur & sbgnya.
06.30pm : Keluar jalan2 sight-seeing & window shopping spnjng Pantai Chenang including a group shot at Laman Padi.
07.30pm : Makan laksa kat Restoran Aliah.09.30pm : Balik semula ke apt. Ada yg kepenatan & terus ketidoran.
Supposedly ramai join aktiviti ni kalau ikut kat our planning thread.. skali ramai ketewasan jmpa bantal & katil.. =)
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