Cuci The Muzikal

Olla guys!! I'm baacckkkk!!! Phew.. it has been like ages since i last updated this blog.. it's been almost 2 months.. the last entry was masa bulan pose.. and fyi, right after raya, aku dilanda kebizian yg amat sgt.. prbbly the busiest i hv been as a student plus working at the same time.. there's this programme that i'm coordinating which is a pioneer project which took a lot of my time.. pastu ada exam pulak with all the questions to prepare, nk vetting some more.. then i had to meet the deadline to submit my thesis.. pastu ada UniKL convocation pulak.. then after that thesis submission, ada one week trip pulak ke Langkawi (which i will blog about that later).. balik from Lngkwi, nak kena submit the corrected version which i had to go back & forth to my supervisor.. but now, Alhamdulillah everything turned out fine & now I'm MERDEKA!! This thing i'm most happy about is finally I'm done with my masters which took me like forever.. huhu.. Anyway guys, a day after i came back from Langkawi, my friend Imtiaz brought me to Cuci The Muzikal.. w'pun penat br balik dr Lngkwi, aku gagahkan diri jgk pegi coz i know, anything with Afdlin in it usually doesn't dissappoint.. and yes, it was spectacular!!

It was an awesome production.. The ensemble was amazing.. it's like the dialogues tu mcm wasn't scripted.. mcm everything that came out of their mouths tu is like spontaneous aje.. very natural.. the jokes sgt menjadik.. the music was quite good too.. except for i think two mushy2 songs which were quite boring.. one involving Vanida & her dad.. and the other one involving Vanida and Hans.. i can bear the Vanida-Hans scene+song, but the scene where V sang with her dad tu mcm kena cut aje if ada rerun.. the scene was really irrelevant.. kalau xde pun x mencacatkan jalan cite..

Overall, production ni sgt menghiburkan.. with minimul props, the casts brought the story to life.. tak payah nak set yg enormous bagai.. cukup dgn acting, dancing & jokes yg menjadi.. masa 2 jam lebih in IB tak terasa sgt pun.. coz we really enjoyed the show.. sape2 yg terlepas tu mmng rugi.. pray for a rerun ye guys.. coz it's really an awesome production.. peace out!

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