Amman & Syria, 19 - 20 February 2010

Upon arrival @ Queen Alia International Airport, Jordan

A view of our 5-star hotel, La Royale @ Amman Jordan.

Walking down the street to find some food.

Delicious Kebab! =)

That's me suffering from Jet Lag! Notice the red eyes =)

A view of Lebanon's mountains on our way to Damsyik, Syria on Day 2.

Dropped by @ Masjid Ummayyad for Zohor prayers.

It's an incredible & beautiful mosque!

Prof Rahim waiting to take his wudhu', where the water is extremely chill!

Makam Nabi Yahya di dalam Masjid Ummayyad.

An amazing sight of flying birds.

Then jalan2 @ Souq Muhammadi. Our guide suggests us to have this ice cream.

It's extremely big and delicious!

One of the many shops selling shoes. I bought 2 pairs of 'em. =)

They sell beautiful table cloths.

Dropped by for dinner on our way back to Amman.
That's our guide, Nasir on my right. =)

Loved this drink! I even brought one back home! =)

Delicious meal! =)
Day 3 &- 5 entry @ Jordan soon ya. ;)
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