LaMBaiAn KoTa KiNaBaLu
11 - 13 MaY 2007
I had the chance to go to KK the past weekend on work purpose.. extended few days for holiday.. i stayed at Hyatt Regency, just nearby the ocean.. it has a very beautiful view.. so since i arrived alone on day 1, i just walked along the beach by myself, watched the fishermen doing their job, jalan2 kat pasar philipine (they sell loads of accessories made of pearls & crystals) & walked around the town.. didn't shop on that 1st day coz i don't really know how.. hehe..
Then on the 2nd day, my friend Arep came from Tawau.. kebetulan, he had a course at JB the following week.. and since dia kena transit kat KK, i asked him to join me there, so he booked an earlier flight & spent few days in KK with before boarding to KLIA.. so that morning on the 2nd day, i had a job to be done.. just a half day work.. after work, had Lemon Chicken Rice for lunch at Plaza Karamunsing.. then head back to m hotel.. later that day, Arep bawak jalan2 around KK.. this time baru dpt jalan betul2 & ambik gambar.. coz the day before, i was alone.. nk ambik gmbr pun susah..

Destinasi pertama pastinya Pasar Philipine.. dkt je ngan my hotel.. just walking distance.. people come here to buy accessories of pearls & crystals, local kraftangan & mcm2 souveniers.. best gile membeli belah kat sini.. bnyk sgt choices smpai tak tau nak memilih.. i bought some nice pearl bracelets for my mum & sisters and plenty of crystal bracelects for souveniers.. then gi pasar kat sebelah yg jual ikan2 kering, ikan bilis etc.. bought a few coz tak reti nak beli apa.. hehe..

Pastu gi jalan2 along dermaga along the beach.. best jalan2 kat sini sebab ada bnyk stalls jual food & drinks.. bnyk gak ambik gmbr2 kat sini.. sbb view dia mmng cantik.. pastu ada bnyk fisherman's boat.. at one spot tu ada sediakan massage service.. interesting gak..

Pastu we settled at one spot for drinks & ice-cream.. lama lepak kat sini sbb ada one friend of ours, Blad joining us.. n view kat situ pun best.. kitorg start lepak kat situ dah nak dekat sunset.. so we took pix dr start sunset smpai le malam.. very very nice..!!

Then malamnya Arep's friend who works in KK bawak kitorg dinner somewhere else.. lupa plak nk tanya apa nama tempat tu.. by 8.45 mcm tu, we head back to our hotel sbb kwn Arep ni nk tgk AF.. and kat our hotel pun ada Astro Ria.. so boleh le layan.. and town KK pun ala2 dah suram time2 kul 9 mcm tu.. so lepak kat hotel le jwbnya.. tengah2 dok tgk AF, tetiba dgr bunyi letupan kat luar.. rupa2nya fireworks sempena pesta keamatan.. bergegas kitorg keluar nak ambk gambar..

Then esoknya, pagi2 lagi Arep dah ke KKIA utk flight dia ke KLIA, then to JB.. my flight was later that day in the afternoon.. and since my friend Blad keje petang, he brought me jalan2 and we had lunch sup tulang.. around 2 mcm tu, i head to the airport for my flight back to KL.. altho it was a short holiday, i really had fun.. perhaps next time harap2nya dapat naik boat gi Pulau Gaya.. probably next month i'll be going to KK again.. so this time, i'll definitely know what to do.. can't wait to get back to KK..!!
Destinasi pertama pastinya Pasar Philipine.. dkt je ngan my hotel.. just walking distance.. people come here to buy accessories of pearls & crystals, local kraftangan & mcm2 souveniers.. best gile membeli belah kat sini.. bnyk sgt choices smpai tak tau nak memilih.. i bought some nice pearl bracelets for my mum & sisters and plenty of crystal bracelects for souveniers.. then gi pasar kat sebelah yg jual ikan2 kering, ikan bilis etc.. bought a few coz tak reti nak beli apa.. hehe..
Pastu gi jalan2 along dermaga along the beach.. best jalan2 kat sini sebab ada bnyk stalls jual food & drinks.. bnyk gak ambik gmbr2 kat sini.. sbb view dia mmng cantik.. pastu ada bnyk fisherman's boat.. at one spot tu ada sediakan massage service.. interesting gak..
Then malamnya Arep's friend who works in KK bawak kitorg dinner somewhere else.. lupa plak nk tanya apa nama tempat tu.. by 8.45 mcm tu, we head back to our hotel sbb kwn Arep ni nk tgk AF.. and kat our hotel pun ada Astro Ria.. so boleh le layan.. and town KK pun ala2 dah suram time2 kul 9 mcm tu.. so lepak kat hotel le jwbnya.. tengah2 dok tgk AF, tetiba dgr bunyi letupan kat luar.. rupa2nya fireworks sempena pesta keamatan.. bergegas kitorg keluar nak ambk gambar..
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