Gathering Santai Selebriti
Waris Jari Hantu

So there i was with Budiey, Coinsss, Ajami, Pakcik MMA and Santai Selebriti readers which i don't really know.. there were 2 of them from S'pore and one from Jakarta.. head over to Budiey's blog to watch their pictures.. then after the movie, we went for lunch at the KLCC food court.. then borak-borak and everything, dlm kul 3-4 mcm kitorg beransur pulang.. owh lupa, thank Budiey for getting us the WJH t-shirts, notebook & CDs..!
Waris Jari Hantu

This event was organised by Budiey @ TGV KLCC.. their 3rd gathering.. i didn't join the first two.. so decided to join this one.. sbb my fren Coinsss beriye ajak.. so i decided to give it a go.. lagipun mmng dah berhajat nk tgk cite Waris Jari Hantu ni.. kalau nk gi sndiri2, mmng alamatnya x pegi2 la coz slalunya i couldn't find the time for myself to go to the cinemas.. i couldn't even remember the last movie that i watched..
So there i was with Budiey, Coinsss, Ajami, Pakcik MMA and Santai Selebriti readers which i don't really know.. there were 2 of them from S'pore and one from Jakarta.. head over to Budiey's blog to watch their pictures.. then after the movie, we went for lunch at the KLCC food court.. then borak-borak and everything, dlm kul 3-4 mcm kitorg beransur pulang.. owh lupa, thank Budiey for getting us the WJH t-shirts, notebook & CDs..!
Anyway, talking about the movie, the were highs and lows.. i'm not gonna do the synopsis here coz u can find it a lot elsewhere.. or u can just go to the official website of the movie.. i just wanna give my 2 cents of the movie.. there are some parts which i really like and a lot which i don't.. 1st of all, the plots agak berkecamuk.. the subplots were intertwined and u don't know which the main plot is.. is it tentang pencarian waris saka? or hubungan antara Ari & Tina, ataupun konflik identiti Ari @ Arina.. to me yang menyerlah dalam filem ni hanyalah plot tentang Ari.. Rusdi Ramli saves the whole movie..!! he is really believable as this Mat Kepit or Mat Patah as he was called in the movie.. salute to him.. he might even bag Best Male Actor trophy this year..! Maya was not as convincing as in PHSM, but Azean, Liza Othman & Nanu once again proved themselve as credible actresses.. owh, and Ida Nerina's cameo pun best.. kelakar..!!
Apart from that, the cinematography agak cantik la.. especially the scenes dekat kampung.. and the CGI pun quite ok.. but still not convincing enough for me.. some parts seems a bit kelakar.. but hats off to Shumi for trying something new.. and that's just about it.. nothing that could make me jump off my seat..
Jom Bowling Bersama Abdul-Mafia (Mawifrenz)
Summit, USJ
Ok.. ni pulak another story altogether.. the same day dgn gathering Santai Selebriti tu, ada tournament bowling anjuran Abdul-Mafia (Mawifrenz) pulak sblh malam.. i was one of the player utk NingClix.. initially, i never planned to join this tourney coz tau psl ni pun dah lwt.. geng bowling from DNF semua x free.. then hr tu ms lepak2 ngan bdk2 Da VoMs, they were talking about sending a team for this tourney.. and also present kat situ was my fren who is the president of NingClix.. so aku pun suggest kat dia hntr team NingClix and i want to be one of the player.. keji tak promo diri sendiri..!! lantaklah yg penting i want to play..!! so mlm tu jgk register, and lucky me, we were the last team to register..
So ada 28 teams yg joined this tourney.. most of them are from Mawifrenz.. from other FCs ada NingClix, Za8FC, Da VOM (Mila FC - 2 teams), Shawal FC (2 teams), and a few more which i couldn't remember.. our lane sblh ngan team Da VOM.. mmng happening gile Da VOM.. mmng patutla dpt Team Paling Havoc..
Summit, USJ
Ok.. ni pulak another story altogether.. the same day dgn gathering Santai Selebriti tu, ada tournament bowling anjuran Abdul-Mafia (Mawifrenz) pulak sblh malam.. i was one of the player utk NingClix.. initially, i never planned to join this tourney coz tau psl ni pun dah lwt.. geng bowling from DNF semua x free.. then hr tu ms lepak2 ngan bdk2 Da VoMs, they were talking about sending a team for this tourney.. and also present kat situ was my fren who is the president of NingClix.. so aku pun suggest kat dia hntr team NingClix and i want to be one of the player.. keji tak promo diri sendiri..!! lantaklah yg penting i want to play..!! so mlm tu jgk register, and lucky me, we were the last team to register..
So ada 28 teams yg joined this tourney.. most of them are from Mawifrenz.. from other FCs ada NingClix, Za8FC, Da VOM (Mila FC - 2 teams), Shawal FC (2 teams), and a few more which i couldn't remember.. our lane sblh ngan team Da VOM.. mmng happening gile Da VOM.. mmng patutla dpt Team Paling Havoc..
So after the games finished, we placed 4th place out of 28 teams..!! yeayy..!! not only that, one of our player, Yusli won 2nd place overall male player, while Nisa, won 3rd place for overall female player.. wait.. that's not just it.. we also won Team Paling Bergaya..!! haha.. well, actually bknnya bergaya pun.. it's just that our team had the best jersey.. thank to Elly yang bersusah payah buat jersey tu.. my friends from Za8FC finished 6th place, while Da VOMs placed 11th & 12th.. Da VOMs 1 as mentioned earlier won team plng havoc.. and deservedly so..
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