Jalan2 Cari Makan & Buku di Singapura
4-7 August 2009
4-7 August 2009

So continue my entry of 1 week full of jalan2.. lepas aje 4 hari di KK, balik2 tu sampai2 aje kat KLIA, terus ambik limo cab to LCCT plak.. owh b4 that, exchange duit dulu.. aku tukar RM500 aje.. dpt la dlm $200 duit S'pore.. ciput je kan?? takpelah.. aku pikir bkn bnyk pun aku nk belanja kat sana.. lgpun duit pun dah bnyk hbs utk trip KK.. almost 1k jugak la.. huhu.. so duit tu just utk duit makan n shopping sikit2 la mcm souveniers ke apa.. i thought that was enough!! but oh boy, how wrong was i.. huhu..
Anyways, aku smpai Changi Airport around 10pm.. then ambik cab to Ibis Hotel.. mlm tu terus tido kepenatan.. huhu.. the next morning, our first stop was John Wiley & Sons pny warehouse.. oh btw, lupa nak mention our purpose gi S'pore is actually utk carik buku.. yup, looking for books smpai ke S'pore..! and we're not talking about 10 or 50 books.. we're talking bout plenty & plenty of books worth 250K alrite!! hehe.. Anyways, dah abis kat Jon Wiley's we went for lunch at Raffles Marina - an Indian Restaurant just by the jetty.. these are our foods..

Then spent some time jalan2 kat jeti n ambik2 gambar.. it was raining earlier on and stopped just b4 we finished our meal.. so that's why pemandangan mcm kelam2 aje in these photos..

Dah abis lunch, sambung jalan2 carik buku.. our next stop was Mc-Graw Hill's and Elsevier's. Pastu abis aktiviti jalan2 cari buku for that day. Fyi, it was my 1st day carik buku, but for them, it was the 2nd day. hari yg aku smpai malam tu, diorg actually dah smpai waktu pagi, aku je lmbt sikit sbb dr KK. Anyways, mlmnya kitorg menjalankan aktiviti shopping.. mula2 ingat nak beli souveniers aje, skali terlekat plak kat perfume section dia.. huhu.. terembat la pulak 2 botol.. rugi x beli sbb 1 botol tu cost u roughly around S$50 je.. kalau convert duit mesia, baru RM100++.. kalau beli dua botol, lagi la murah.. nak tak nak, terpaksa jgk beli.. huhu.. then as i was about to pay, ternampak pulak jersey section ada jersey baru MU tuh.. aduss.. tergoda la plak.. pikir2 rugi kalau x beli coz it only costs around S$70, kalau convert to RM baru 175. Relatively cheap la kan?? At the end of the night, almost licin dah SG Dollar dlm wallet aku.. huhu..
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