Trip To Sabah Part II
~ Day 3 : Mount Kinabalu Garden, Poring, Kundasang, KK ~
Our day 2 starts very early.. asalnya plan nak gerak at 7 am.. tp masing2 bangun lambat.. almaklumlah, kepenatan bersnorkel hari seblomnya.. so around 8 baru semua ready to go..

Aku sebenonya kompius sikit nama tempat2 kat sini.. we went to so many places that i don't really know which part is Kundasang, which is Poring.. haha.. anyways, we had a lot of fun here.. altho nak sampai ke sana tu punya la lama.. approximately 2 hours beb! Itu x termasuk lagi jalan dia yg berliku2 lagi.. huhu

Anyways, kat Mount Kinabalu Botanical Garden ni mmng sangat cantiklah.. mmng best lah esp for kaki2 gambar and photographers..

Ada hot spring jgk kat situ but we chose not to mandi2 kat situ sbb cam ramai org, instead kitorg trekking sampai ke air terjun kipungit.. bnyk lagi tempat best2 kat situ mcm canopy walkway, butterfly garden.. tp kitorg x sempat nak lawat semua tempat.. the garden is huge, and we might need 2 days to explore the whole place!

Dah puas bermandi manda kat situ, then kita jalan2 keluar ke area Kundasang and we stopped at this place mcm menara tinjau la jgk.. where at the back is Mount Kinabalu.. nyamannya rasa kat sini.. angin sepoi2 bahasa..

Dah puas kat Kundasang, we went back to KK.. going back seems to take such a longer time.. dlm 7 lebih br smpai our apartment.. then bersiap2 for dinner.. we went to a nearby seafood restaurant and it was packed with so many ppl.. we decided to wait smpai ada kosong.. and the wait was totally worth it.. seriyusly the food mmng heaven!!
After dinner, we went for a karaoke session.. jgn tak tau, one of our friends whom we call Tycoon, dia ni model video clip Wings lagu Sejati tau!!

So dah abis shopping2, packing2 then gerak ke Airport KK.. we arrived at KLIA around 6 pm.. Diorg lepak2 dulu makan dsb, aku plak kena rushing ke LCCT coz i need to fly to S'pore plak for a work trip.. will blog on that later plak.. anyways, this trip mmng sangat2 fun.. altho' 4 days kat sana mmng x cukup.. next time at KK, we'll be hiking mount kinabalu plak.. ciow!
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